Step into the future of trading with our revolutionary AI-powered trading bot. Say goodbye to manual trading and hello to precision and profitability. Our advanced technology provides users with a competitive edge, delivering unparalleled results through the power of artificial intelligence.
ver. 1.0.4 alpha
Before deciding wether to use or not our bot to make more money, we are offering a way of seeing an estimate revenue based on your portfolio and your desired trading strategy. You must take into consideration that a higher APY also means a higher risk and that a 40% APY doesn't have to be made of 12 profitable months. In other words, even if your portfolio drops by 100$ in a month, you will gain the estimated APY by the end of the year.
APY = annual percentage yield. It is a way to calculate interest earned on an investment that includes the effects of compound interest.
Start Earning!The interval presented is guaranteed only at the low end
Follow the 3 easy steps mentioned below and gain access to one of the best trading bots out there that has an APY of up to 72%
In order to gain access to the AI based trading bot you first need to create an account. After this step is complete you need to fund your account with at least 250$ to start using the trading bot at its full potential.
Based on the risk you want to take and on your expected profits the bot can be configured to fit your needs. Choose the desired portfolio amount (you can choose not to use your entire portfolio), your desired strategy, the risk level and prefered coin pairs and let the trading happen.
Excepting the commissions there is no time limit when it comes to withdrawing your money from the trading platform. Once you withdraw your money you lose access to your free alpha pass and will have to pay 9$ monthly for the bot.
Even though the trading BOT is continously working and making the best decisions to ensure you get the biggest return possible, we also want you to feel safe and connected to your portfolio. That's why we will be launching our own mobile app that will feature real time updates, news and strategy improvments.
with Quant Trader AI bot, you'll be able to trade with ease, confidence, precision and most importantly, you will do it automatically. Join the future of trading today and start reaping the benefits of AI-powered automated trading.
Investment growth Year over year
New investors joining every day
Managed funds
Speed of trade execution